5 Things to Do to Change the Trajectory of Your Life

There are five things you can do to change the trajectory of your life. Keep reading to learn them and let me know it goes!

1. Take full responsibility for everything in your life. This does not mean assigning blame to any one thing. It does not mean things are your fault. It is just that it is your responsibility to take care of and manage things in your life. Taking responsibility requires to be in awareness (Tolle, New Earth). Being in awareness allows you to recognize things in your life without judgment. Things are not good or bad, it just is. Taking responsibility takes you out of victim mode, and gives you the power back to be in the driver’s seat of your life. 

2. Exorcizing all shame and guilt in your life. These are low-vibration emotions. Nothing good comes from carrying around the burden of shame and guilt. They get in the way of progress towards living an aligned life. Because when you are fraught with low vibrational emotions you are living in fear. The easiest way to rid yourself of shame and guilt is through forgiveness of both yourself and the situations that haunt you. Forgiveness is about letting go, untethering yourself from those haunting situations, and second guesses in life. You may have done awful embarrassing things or awful things have happened to you. Separating yourself from those things so that you can move forward and have the life you deserve is a must. You have the key to your own prison, use it to set yourself free. Forgiveness can happen through in-person conversation or a letter that you burn either way letting it go is important. Forgiveness can only happen when you extend self-grace to yourself, as much as you would to other people. 

3.  Take stock. What serves you, what doesn’t. What are those things that you have done forever on autopilot, but for the life of you, you can’t remember why you do them? Clear out the clutter and simplify. Get honest with yourself and work to align yourself with your ideals. JOURNAL; write those thoughts down without abandon. Get honest with yourself. Make no apologies, but there may be some grieving involved. Letting go of what no longer serves you may surprise others and not make them happy. Do not confuse your happiness with their need to control you. Most of the time they don’t mean to but change is hard for everyone. 

4. Flip the script. When you are making large changes in your life, it will undoubtedly affect those closest to you. You will need to communicate with those you love. You are not asking for permission or have expectations that they change with you, or are responsible for fulfilling any aspect of your life. Happiness is a self-responsibility, others might see it as selfish, but really it is liberating yourself from the expectations of others. 

5. Find your tribe: There are people out there going through exactly what you are going through. Be open to trying new things. Be in awareness, and grateful and the right people will find you.